Medical Technology

Medical Technology combines medical and technical knowledge to develop products and procedures to preserve and improve health and quality of life. Products in the field of medical technology mainly include devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, instruments for surgical as well as aesthetic procedures, and implants, prostheses and laboratory accessories.

The following fields of medical technology are the current focus of our patent attorneys’ work:

  • Medical imaging procedures
  • Non-invasive diagnostic devices
  • Biosensor technology
  • Surgical instruments
  • Dosing devices
  • Prostheses and implants
  • Bioinformatics

Our patent attorneys and engineers in the biotechnology department will be happy to answer any questions you may have relating to intellectual property rights in the field of biotechnology.

Our patent attorneys and engineers in the electrical engineering department will be happy to answer any questions you may have relating to intellectual property rights in the field of electrical engineering:

Adrian Huissel | Partner and Patent Attorney